Final destination 4 full movie on 123movies
Final destination 4 full movie on 123movies

  • Fanservice: There is a gratuitous and graphic sex scene featuring a fully nude, well endowed young woman.
  • Exploding Barrels: The source of the mall collapse.
  • Even when he's impaled in his premonition.

    final destination 4 full movie on 123movies

    Dull Surprise: Bobby Campo's default facial expression throughout the film.In other words, Death is just playing with them, and in the epilogue, he has had enough fun. Downer Ending: Although Nick, Lori, and Janet think they manage to escape Death when Nick stops the cinema disaster from happening, it turns out that Death is the one who gave Nick the premonitions.Doubly surprising because the director of this film previously directed the second film, which many consider as the darkest (and most realistic) film in the series. Denser and Wackier: The deaths in this film are so over-the-top and ridiculous with many campy dialogues, not to mention Nick's infamous Dull Surprise throughout the entire film that it's as if the filmmakers have finally embraced the fact that the franchise really is camp on paper, whereas previous films have at least tried to be serious horror.Death by Sex: Hunt, who actually came to terms of being next to die by getting laid first.The kicker? Dragging a black man from a car is a known (if uncommon) method of lynching, as seen with the murder of James Byrd, Jr.

    final destination 4 full movie on 123movies

    ( His character is actually listed as "Racist" in the end-credits.) He is given a spectacularly hilarious and humiliating end when he tried to burn a cross KKK-style in front of the black lead's house his tow truck, dragging his burning and screaming carcass, twists the knife by playing War's anti-racism tract "Why Can't We Be Friends?" on the radio before it spectacularly explodes.

  • Death by Racism: The first victim is a redneck named Carter Daniels who has NO compunctions whatsoever about calling African Americans "the N-word".
  • Death by Ambulance: When the security guard is mentioning a feeling of 'déjà vu' and is run down by a careening ambulance twice.
  • Conveyor Belt o' Doom: The escalator, possibly the series' goriest death.
  • In this case, the victim talks about feeling deja vu.
  • The death of George, getting randomly hit by an ambulance, is recycled from the scene in the first film where a character is randomly hit by a bus.

    Early in the movie, shortly after the scene with the vision, news on TV are asking "Are amusement parks going the way of the dinosaurs?" The previous movie's accident couldn't have helped.

    final destination 4 full movie on 123movies

  • The opening sequence depicts the various deaths from the previous three films from the perspective of an X-ray camera.
  • Call-Back: The opening sequence showcases most of the deaths in the previous films, usually through X-ray shots of skeletal damage.
  • As he slips, more and more of her body is dragged in, and eventually she either dies or passes out from the trauma, whereupon she quickly gets minced by the mechanism.
  • Blood from the Mouth: Lori's death is in a way caused by this her leg getting crushed by escalator gears somehow causes her to spit up a large amount of blood onto her arm, which the main character is holding on to.
  • All There in the Manual: The wiki has most of the secondary victims' last names and facts on their individual pages.

  • Final destination 4 full movie on 123movies